Reporting a Tree Issue
If you find a tree issue that you believe GCCEA needs to be aware of, please contact GCCEA’s Operations Division (507-732-1110 or . If you have a picture of the tree please submit it with the email. GCCEA will send a representative out to evaluate the tree concern. If the tree issue is outside the clearance zone around GCCEA power lines, you can hire a tree contractor of your choice to address the tree issue.
GCCEA members can help keep the vegetation management costs down by planting the correct size trees and shrubs near overhead power lines. When planting a new tree, keep in mind the mature height of the tree. Only trees with a mature height of 25 feet or less should be planted within 20 feet of an overhead power line. Taller trees should be planted the fall distance away from overhead power lines.
Planting around Padmounted Transformers (a.k.a. The Green Box)
GCCEA has required setbacks for shrubbery that is planted around underground transformers and junction boxes. Please keep in mind the mature width of the shrub when planting. Please do not raise the grade around the transformer as it may restrict access to the equipment. Without these clearance distances, GCCEA crews may not be able to address power issues or maintain the electrical equipment as quickly and crews will remove anything in the way as needed to address power outages and issues.